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Washington Examiner: New Yorkers say housing crisis is pushing them out

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More than a third of New Yorkers say the soaring cost of living is forcing them to consider leaving the Big Apple as rent control laws and zoning restrictions drive housing prices up. A recent survey found that 34% of residents are actively considering leaving the city, while an additional 32% are open to moving. Additionally, 41% found living in New York…

Rep. Lawler Joins Reps. Kim, Schiff, and Trone to Introduce Bipartisan TOOMAJ Act Cracking Down on Iran Regime's Human Rights Abuses

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Today, Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY-17) joined his colleagues Young Kim (R-CA-40), Adam Schiff (D-CA-30), and David Trone (D-MD-06) in introducing the Targeting Oppressive Officers to Mitigate Abuse in the Iranian Judiciary (TOOMAJ) Act to uplift the Iranian people peacefully protesting the Iran’s human rights abuses, unjust crackdowns, and arrests and executions without…

Congressman Mike Lawler Introduces Paula Bohovesky and Joan D'Alessandro Act

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Paula Joan Act Statement

Today, Congressman Mike Lawler (NY-17) released the following statement after introducing the Paula Bohovesky and Joan D’Alessandro Act. In 1973, Joan D’Alessandro was seven years old and had just left her house to sell Girl Scout cookies in her New Jersey hometown. Making only the mistake of knocking on a neighbor’s door, she was sexually assaulted, beaten, and strangled to death.…

The Hill: Biden opposition leaves House bill hitting ICC in limbo

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The White House has complicated Congress’s plans to reprimand the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the Israel-Hamas war, shooting down the nascent sanctions proposal that bipartisan House negotiators had hoped to move to President Biden’s desk early next month.  Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), head of the Foreign Affairs Committee, has been in…

LTE: Examiner News: Zachary: Lawler’s Pragmatism, Commitment to District

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I support Congressman Mike Lawler here in the 17th Congressional District... As is often pointed out, constituents can be overlooked in congressional districts due to an area being safe blue or safe red. More than safe maps, I’m interested in safe streets and a climate on college campuses in which students can express themselves without fear of harassment. With Congressman Lawler…

Congressman Lawler Joins Congressmen Frost and Garamendi to Introduce the Bipartisan Safe Air on Airplanes Act

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Safe Air on Airplanes Presser 1

Today, Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY-17) joined Congressman Maxwell Frost (D-FL-10) and Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA-08) to introduce the bipartisan Safe Air on Airplanes Act – legislation to secure clean air on airplanes to ensure the safety of the nearly 3 million people including flight crews and passengers that fly daily. The Safe Air on Airplanes Act would work to…

Congressman Lawler Introduces AOH Act to Add Ireland to the E-3 Visa Program

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Today, Congressman Mike Lawler (NY-17) announced his introduction of the Advancing Opportunity for Hibernians (AOH) Act. The E-3 program currently allocates 10,500 visas to Australian citizens looking to work in specialty occupations in the United States, but each year thousands of these visa spots go unused.  The AOH Act would allow qualified Irish citizens to access this…

Irish Echo: Lawler Introduces His E-3 'AOH' Visa Bill

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It for sure bears a catchy title. Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY-17) has announced his introduction of the "Advancing Opportunity for Hibernians (AOH) Act" which is aimed at extending America's annual allocation of E-3 Visas to Irish nationals. The E-3 program, as a release from Lawler's office states, currently allocates 10,500 visas to Australian citizens looking to work in specialty…

Lawler, Malliotakis, Pascrell, Others Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to "Near Shore" Critical U.S. Supply Chains

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Today Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY-17) joined Representatives Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY-11), Bill Pascrell (D-NJ-09), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12), Nydia Velázquez (D-NY-07), and James Moylan (R-GU) in introducing the Supply Chain Security and Growth Act, bipartisan legislation that would leverage Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) to facilitate a rapid movement of critical U.S.…

Lawler joins Garbarino, Suozzi, Others to Introduce Bipartisan Bill Updating Merchant Marine Academy Facilities

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Today, Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY-17) joined Representatives Andrew Garbarino (R-NY-02), Tom Suozzi (D-NY-03), David Valadao (R-CA-22), Jen Kiggans (R-VA-02), Anthony D'Esposito (R-NY-04), Nick LaLota (R-NY-01), Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-02), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY-11), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01), and Marc Molinaro (R-NY-19) to introduce legislation authorizing funding…