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Op-Eds from Mike

Protests, Free Speech, and Antisemitism on College Campuses

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Last month, the House of Representatives passed my bill, the Antisemitism Awareness Act, with overwhelming support by a vote of 320 to 91. The legislation requires the Department of Education to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism and its contemporary examples when investigating discrimination cases on college campuses. This…

REPS. LAWLER AND MOLINARO: The gift of life is beautiful. Democrats and Republicans must do more to protect IVF.

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

For any parent, some of the happiest moments in life are the days their children are born. As fathers, we know firsthand just how beautiful the gift of life is for all families, and the joy of holding your child is immeasurable. As members of Congress, we have sought to do all we can to make life easier for families by working to tackle persistent inflation, lower tax burdens, maintain a…

Here’s what I saw during my visit to Columbia University

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike
MVL Columbia Op-Ed

In recent months, we’ve witnessed a troubling surge in antisemitic incidents on our college campuses — culminating in the horrific scenes playing out at “elite” universities this spring. This wave of hatred, camouflaged as political activism, has sown division and left many Jewish students feeling unsafe. Just a week ago, I joined Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), House Education…

Lawler and Gottheimer: Welcome to New York. That’ll Be 100 Bucks

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

We are from different states and political parties. Our views on issues vary widely. But on at least one thing, we passionately agree: New York’s “congestion pricing” plan for Midtown Manhattan, scheduled to begin later this year, is a greedy and unnecessary cash grab. It’s a slap in the face to hardworking families, small-business owners and commuters who want to put food on their family…

Compromise can still work in Washington

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Saturday night was proof that when good people — regardless of party — are willing to compromise, and determined to put results ahead of rhetoric, we can still govern this country and get things done for the American people. I was proud to play a central role in hammering out last night’s agreement, which passed both the House of Representatives and the United States Senate with broad…

Republicans like me don’t win from a shutdown, either

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Recent polling reveals that only around 25% of Americans believe our country is headed in the right direction, and there are a lot of reasons for them to feel that way. For starters, for a lot of people, the economy stinks. “Bidenomics” has failed. Reckless spending and radical policies created near-record inflation, soaring grocery bills, rising energy…

Rep. Lawler and Asm. Slater: Legislative Efforts to Fight the Scourge of Fentanyl in Our Communities

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Having both served in state and local government, we know first-hand the impacts of the fentanyl epidemic in the Hudson Valley. Substance use disorder and fentanyl are ripping families and communities apart across the country, and it is incumbent on all of us to work together, in a coordinated effort at the federal, state and local level, to put a stop to this deadly scourge. At the…

New York Republicans Respond on SALT Cap

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

It is our duty as members of Congress to defend the pocketbooks of our constituents.’ We were surprised to read your editorial “Republicans Return to the SALT Mines” (Aug. 4) questioning our stance on the state and local tax-deduction law (SALT) that has been crippling hardworking, middle-class families in New York for the past six years.  The 2017 law, which limits state and…

We have to stay focused on bipartisanship and progress

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Having served in Washington for almost a half-year now, I’ve learned that it’s good practice to tune out the noise and the nay-sayers, and stay focused on the job I was elected to do. For months, dark money political groups and far-left activists have been stoking irrational fears about a default that never happened, and threatening that cuts to everything from veterans services to…

Setting the Record Straight About Support for Our Veterans

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike
In-DC Honor Flight

With Memorial Day just having passed, I wanted to take a moment and set the record straight on a critical aspect of our federal government’s work - funding and providing services for our veterans. For weeks, Democratic dark-money groups and far-left activists have been lying about the Limit, Save, Grow Act and its impact on funding for our veterans here in the 17th Congressional…