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Commitment to Protecting Social Security and Medicare

"Representative Mike Lawler, the first-term Republican from a Hudson Valley suburb who is widely considered one of the most politically endangered members of his party, began the week facing brutal attacks from a major House Democratic group that falsely accused him of trying to force cuts to Medicare and Social Security."
- The New York Times, 5/11/2023

Congressman Lawler has been emphatically clear regarding his stance on Social Security and Medicare- No cuts! 

Congressman Lawler was proud to sign onto H.Res. 109, which reaffirms the commitment of him and his colleagues to preserving and protecting Social Security for current beneficiaries as well as for future generations. 

He was also proud to co-sponsor H.R. 82- the Social Security Fairness Act- which repeals provisions reducing Social Security benefits for individuals who receive pensions or disability benefits from other employers. 

Those who have paid into the Social Security trust fund should not have their benefits reduced, especially given the affordability crisis that is impacting so many families across our community, including our seniors.

You can read Congressman Lawler's recent op-ed on this topic here:


A series of Congressman Lawler's public statements on protecting Social Security and Medicare can be found below:

“Speaker McCarthy made it emphatically clear - cuts to Medicare and Social Security are off the table,” said Rep. Lawler. “It is now incumbent on President Biden to engage in good-faith negotiations to get our reckless spending under control while responsibly lifting the debt ceiling.”


“I think it was extremely disingenuous when the president said that Republicans are going to cut Social Security and Medicare, when the speaker has been on the record saying that's not going to happen, when I have been on the record saying I will not vote for any legislation that guts those programs, and in fact, have said that we need to create a Blue Ribbon Commission to ensure their long-term sustainability and that we're fully funding them.”


“And I think really where it was unfortunate was during the discussion on the debt ceiling, when he blatantly misstated the Republican position by saying that we're going to gut Social Security and Medicare. I am long on the record saying that I will not support any legislation to do that. But more importantly, the speaker is on the record saying that we are not going to do that. So I think that was very disingenuous and unfortunate.”

Biden’s attacks have infuriated Republicans, who insist they have no designs to cut those programs and are pushing back hard against the Democrats’ characterizations. “The Speaker has said they’re not going to be on the table,” said Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.). “So, frankly, it’s a disingenuous argument put forth by the president, when we’re on record saying we’re not doing it.”


I am not interested nor looking to cut Social Security or Medicare. As far as I'm concerned, that's off the table, Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) said.


A number of Republican lawmakers said this week that there’s a simple reason for the shift in position: a changing of the guard in the GOP’s ranks. “I’ve said many times, I’m not supporting cuts to those programs. I believe, in fact, they need to be fully funded. And I think that’s the overwhelming opinion of the conference.”


VIDEO: “As I said during my campaign, we have to protect Social Security and Medicare.”


Republican Representative Mike Lawler of New York calls that disingenuous. 

AUDIO: “Implying that Republicans were going to cut social security and Medicare when so many of us including the speaker are on record saying we're not.”


“To just say, oh, one or two or three Republicans have brought up Social Security and Medicare and therefore that’s the position of the party is wrong. I have long been on record saying I’m not cutting Social Security or Medicare.”


“A lot of people are reaching out to us on Social Security and Medicare. President Biden and my colleagues in the Democratic Party are falsely claiming that Republicans are going to gut these vital programs. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have committed time and again to preserving these programs and protecting them, and I can tell you, just last week, I signed onto a resolution reaffirming that as well. We are going to continue to do everything we can to protect these vital programs and fulfill our commitment to our seniors.”


“I think it was extremely disingenuous when the president said that Republicans are going to cut Social Security and Medicare, when the speaker has been on the record saying that's not going to happen, when I have been on the record saying I will not vote for any legislation that guts those programs, and in fact, have said that we need to create a Blue Ribbon Commission to ensure their long-term sustainability and that we're fully funding them.”