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This week, Congressman Mike Lawler (NY-17) and Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ-5) introduced legislation imposing restrictions on correspondent and payable through accounts in the United States with respect to Chinese financial institutions that conduct transactions involving the purchase of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran. 

"In addition to being our greatest geopolitical foe economically and militarily, China is working in tandem with Iran, Russia and North Korea to evade international sanctions and bolster each other’s economies," said Congressman Lawler (NY-17). "This is why earlier this year I introduced the SHIP Act alongside Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL-23) to crack down on entities like China who enable Iran to evade petroleum sanctions. With Iran backing Hamas’ barbaric assault against Israel, it is crucial that we use every tool at our disposal to freeze Iran out and deter its enablers. The Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act is urgently needed."

"Brutal Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel have killed and wounded Israelis, Arab Israelis, Americans, Jews, and Muslims. Hamas relies on support from the Iranian regime, and, especially as it deepens its ties to China and Russia, we are reminded that Iran cannot be trusted and must be held accountable," said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). "Iran, the leading state sponsor of terror, has directly, or through their terrorist proxies including Hamas, Hezbollah, and PIJ, killed hundreds of Americans, and attacked our bases and our allies in the region. I’m proud to help lead the bipartisan Iran-China Energy Sanctions Act because America must cut off sources of funding to Iran."

In June, Congressman Lawler introduced the SHIP Act to penalize ports and refineries in China and elsewhere which continue to ignore U.S. sanctions and purchase Iranian oil. That legislation has broad, bipartisan support and reached 200 co-sponsors this week.

New York's 17th Congressional District is just north of New York City and contains all or parts of Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Westchester Counties. It has one of the largest Jewish populations in the country, many of whom are currently in Israel or have relatives who are.

The legislation is reprinted HERE.