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Op-Eds from Mike

We have to stay focused on bipartisanship and progress

Having served in Washington for almost a half-year now, I’ve learned that it’s good practice to tune out the noise and the nay-sayers, and stay focused on the job I was elected to do.

For months, dark money political groups and far-left activists have been stoking irrational fears about a default that never happened, and threatening that cuts to everything from veterans services to Social Security and Medicare were on the horizon.

They lied. Just ask the New York Times and the Washington Post.

“Mike Lawler will cut Social Security and Medicare,” the far-left activists said at a protest. The New York Times said these attacks are false.

“MAGA Mike will slash veterans services,” dark-money groups cried. The Washington Post pointed out that veterans services will receive a boost to their funding - the exact opposite of a cut.

“When we default, the world’s economy will go tumbling off a cliff,” they exclaimed. Well, last I checked, the Dow Jones is up over 1,500 points since late May.

At the end of the day, all of their false allegations in letters to the editor, at political protests, and on social media were laid bare for what they were - bogus attacks. 

Go figure, it was just noise after all.

When President Biden visited the Hudson Valley - praising my willingness to work across the aisle - I personally outlined to him the three requirements for securing my vote: one, the President and Senator Schumer must negotiate with Speaker McCarthy in good faith; two, we must enact long-term spending reforms and reduce overall spending; and three, we must not default.

With the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, that’s exactly what we achieved. Our country witnessed a truly landmark moment for bipartisanship, with a strong majority in both parties supporting the legislation.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act saves taxpayers $2.1 trillion over the next six years, caps spending at 1% growth, and strengthens work requirements for able-bodied citizens who can work, but choose not to. Moreover, it protects veterans services, Social Security and Medicare - keeping our promises to seniors and those who served our nation.

It also establishes reforms to the permitting process and NEPA, which will help accelerate infrastructure and energy projects our country so desperately needs to get moving. With this measure alone, we should see a decrease in energy costs, stronger infrastructure, and a more vibrant economy that serves all the residents of the Hudson Valley.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act has shown that bipartisanship is alive and well in Washington, and I look forward to more bipartisan wins for the Hudson Valley in the coming months and years.

My goal is, as it always has been, to help my constituents in the Hudson Valley to the very best of my ability. Let’s all tune out the noise, reach across the aisle, and get more done, together.