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Journal News: OPINION: Mike Lawler's moderate approach is one we should not take for granted

I was both shocked and dismayed by Dr. Dara Kass’ Sept. 19 article on lohud excoriating Rep. Mike Lawler.  

Like Dr. Kass, I am one of Lawler’s constituents, and my experience with him has been completely opposite of the congressman she described in her article.

To portray Lawler as an apparatchik of former President Donald Trump is a complete misrepresentation. In fact, the Lugar Center and the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, nonpartisan tool measuring the degree to which senators and representatives work across party lines on legislation, ranked Lawler No. 4 (and Molinaro No. 2) in their Bipartisan Rankings of House lawmakers. 

Although Kass may not agree with Lawler’s conservative voting record, to say that “The people of New York deserve representatives who will fight for our interests...not those who are focused on partisan clown shows that do nothing to improve our lives” when referring to Lawler is nothing short of laughable. 

Lawler maintains an exhausting schedule, traveling throughout his district to hold open town hall meetings so he can meet his constituents, hear their voices and their concerns and advocate for them. He has shown himself to be balanced, hardworking, well thought out and deeply dedicated and responsive to his constituents and all the people of New York.

Lawler co-sponsored 214 bills that had been introduced by Democrats, working across the aisle to pass legislation that he believes will “improve our lives.” 

His positions, as clearly listed on his website, include:

  • Maintaining a Commonsense, Mainstream Position on Abortion
  • Stopping Out-of-Control Federal Spending
  • Improving Affordability for Hudson Valley Taxpayers
  • Supporting Law Enforcement and Crack Down on Crime
  • Protecting Social Security, Medicare & Veterans Services
  • Improving Education and Support Parental Rights
  • Securing Our Border and Support Immigration Reform
  • Promoting a Balanced, Sensible Approach on Guns
  • Preserving the Environment and Responsible Energy Policy
  • Ensuring a Strong National Defense and Military Preparedness
  • Defending and Supporting Our Great Ally – The State of Israel

Kass says that “It’s time for them to shift their focus from partisan distractions to the real issues facing our community.” Lawler has taken responsible stands focusing on the long term on some of the most urgent issues facing the community — including immigration, abortion and federal spending. 

Which other representative has taken more moderate stands and done more than Lawler to reach bipartisan consensus and focus on the real issues facing our community? 

Rivkie Feiner is a mother, grandmother, community activist and CEO of Feiner Grant Strategies.