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Congressman Mike Lawler (NY-17) released the following statement after meeting one-on-one with President Biden during his trip to Westchester County.

"I have long said that I have 3 parameters in the debt ceiling that must be met - one, the President and Senator Schumer must negotiate with Speaker McCarthy in good faith, two, we must enact long-term spending reforms and reduce overall spending, and three, we must not default," said Congressman Lawler.

"In meeting with President Biden today, I conveyed my thoughts on the debt ceiling discussion and encouraged him to continue meeting with Speaker McCarthy to find common ground. We both agreed on the need to avoid default and the importance of working together," continued Congressman Lawler. "While I disagree with his overall assessment of the Limit, Save, and Grow Act and strongly oppose the White House’s messaging on it, I believe there is common ground to be found in negotiations as we move forward in capping long-term spending and lifting the debt ceiling."

"Another item I raised with the President is the crisis at our Southern Border and I was heartened to hear he recognizes it's an issue that must be addressed as well," concluded Congressman Lawler. "With the expiration of Title 42 happening tonight at midnight, it is imperative that the President work with House Republicans to identify a solution to this immediately."

New York's 17th Congressional District is just north of New York City and contains all or parts of Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Westchester County.