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LTE: Examiner News: Mariah: Lawler’s Commitment to Constituents and District Have Been Impressive

Mariah from Ossining, August 6, 2024

It’s almost every other week that I see Congressman Mike Lawler’s mobile office hours and Town Halls advertised. After a little careful research, I realized that he and his staff have made an appearance in virtually every town and village in our district, and are certainly on track to do so by Election Day...

Lawler is a different kind of congressman. He’s there for the tough conversations with those who disagree, he’s hard at work in D.C. and in the district and he’s always eager to recognize the achievements of constituents, organizations and other leaders who are doing good things for our community. I wholeheartedly look forward to re-electing him this fall.

Mariah, Ossining