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LTE: Rockland County Times: Esther: Lawler's Bipartisan Leadership

Esther from Rockland County, June 5, 2024

Dear Editor,

I was pleased to hear my own Congressman Mike Lawler was named as the 4th most bipartisan member of Congress this past month. In these contentious times, it feels like both parties have been moving further from the center, and the extremists fail to connect with everyday Americans.

Most people agree: our children deserve a good education, our families need a safe community, and our leaders need to remember it is our money, not theirs, which they are spending. I am happy to see Congressman Lawler is a leading voice on each of these issues and has carefully balanced strong principles with a pragmatic approach to governing.

Too many of our elected officials simply go along to get along because they only have to worry about satisfying their base. Competitive moderate districts like ours require leaders to work with everyone to get things done… Congressman Mike Lawler has a long history of building broad coalitions, as an Assemblyman and now as a Congressman, that offer something to all voters of the 17th Congressional District. Additionally, he has cemented himself as a voice of sanity in the sea of chaos that is Washington, DC. I look forward to seeing him re-elected this November and continue this work representing everyone of NY-17.


Rockland County