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Congressman Mike Lawler Announces $5 Million Community Project Funding Investment in Clean Water Infrastructure for Dutchess County

  • Dutchess CPF Presser 1
  • Dutchess CPF Presser 2
  • Dutchess CPF Presser 3
  • Dutchess CPF Presser 4
  • Dutchess CPF Presser 5
  • Dutchess CPF Presser 6

Yesterday, Congressman Mike Lawler joined Dutchess County Executive Sue Sereno, State Senator Rob Rolison, Assemblyman AJ Beephan, East Fishkill Town Supervisor Nick D'Alessandro, and Pawling Town Supervisor James Schmitt to announce a $5 million investment in clean water infrastructure for Dutchess County that was included in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. 

"When I was elected to represent this district, I promised I would work with my partners at every level of government and in both parties to prioritize the needs of our residents," said Congressman Lawler. "Projects like these are great examples of what we can accomplish when we put aside politics and focus on meeting the needs of our communities and constituents."

"That’s exactly what I’ve done in working with each of the officials with me here today to ensure funding for this and other important projects across our district." Congressman Lawler concluded. "This $5 million in funding for Dutchess County is just another affirmation of my commitment to the 17th Congressional District and to the people of Dutchess County." 

"You are living proof that you work across the aisle to get this done for our community and I cannot thank you enough," said Dutchess County Executive Sue Serino."We need these critical infrastructure investments, and you've provided for our county."

"These infrastructure dollars and the dollars you're bringing in for our clean water program are tremendous for our residents," said East Fishkill Town Supervisor Nick D'Alessandro. "I can't thank you enough."

"We've been fighting to get this money for this district with our previous Congress members and you're the one who delivered for Pawling," said Pawling Town Supervisor James Schmitt. "I'm really looking forward to working with you again."

"It's so good to see what you do in D.C. now comes back to the District," said State Senator Rob Rolison. "You're working hard across the aisle and getting infrastructure dollars for this district which is super important."

"Thank you so much for your investment in our district," said Assemblyman AJ Beephan. "This investment alone directly makes the lives of our residents more affordable, and for that we are forever grateful."

Three separate requests were made for community project funding on behalf of the portion of Dutchess County in New York's 17th District. The funding includes:

  • $2 million to East Fishkill for ionization equipment to help with PFAS mitigation, resulting in clean, safe drinking water.
  • $1 million to Pawling for a municipal sanitary sewer district that will help with water quality and economic development along Route 22.
  • $2 million to East Fishkill for the development of a new water district, which will also help the town with further economic development and water quality.

Congressman Lawler is one of the most bipartisan members of the 118th Congress and represents New York's 17th Congressional District, which is just north of New York City and contains all or parts of Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Westchester Counties.