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Op-Eds from Mike

My plea to President Biden on migrants and debt

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-17th District) met with President Biden on Wednesday. He writes this open letter: Dear Mr. President, First, let me again say thank you for inviting me today and taking the time to speak with me privately prior to your speech. As we discussed then, I encourage you to move past the divisive rhetoric around the debt ceiling debate and instead seek common ground with…

This is why we can't let Taiwan become the next Ukraine

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

In combating communism and promoting democracy, Ronald Reagan employed the doctrine of “peace through strength” — a policy that helped end the Cold War, bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall, and put America on the path to global superiority. Today, with military and economic threats emanating from the unholy alliance of Russia, China, North Korea and…

False attacks on Social Security and Medicare create problems in our politics

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Let me be unequivocally clear — I do not support cuts or negative changes to Social Security or Medicare. The U.S. government made a promise to Americans and we must keep it. I saw first hand, after contributing the maximum to social security for years, how my father benefited from Social Security Disability while he battled Multiple Sclerosis and Melanoma, before ultimately…

NY can't abide an affordability crisis. We must restore and expand SALT

| Posted in Op-Eds from Mike

Families and seniors in New York’s Hudson Valley are facing an affordability crisis brought on by sky-high state taxes courtesy of Albany politicians, record inflation due to reckless federal spending and sagging retirement and savings accounts due to a struggling market. Making all of this even worse is the $10,000 cap on your ability to deduct state and local taxes on your federal…